At first

We see our mission as providing you with comprehensive advice and support for your low-CO2 producing electricity and heat generation.

The four pillars:

  • Energy generation (photovoltaics, etc.)
  • Heat (heating and hot water)
  • Electrical consumers and
  • Mobility (car, e-bike, etc.)

used to be clearly separated one from each other. Today, these four pillars are coupled with each other via the energy form of electricity and require a holistic, energy-based approach, known as sector coupling.

Range of Services

We provide expertise in the field of sustainable heat transition for private households and businesses. We support you in analysing and implementing a low CO2 house and environment with the following services:

  • On-premise energy consulting for residential buildings (BAFA)
  • Energy balancing of residential buildings in accordance with the German Building Energy Act (GEG)
  • Heat load calculations in accordance with DIN EN 12831-1, method “B”
  • Funding advice and application (KfW, BAFA, IFB Hamburg, etc.)
  • Preparation of individual refurbishment schedules (iSFPs)
  • Consideration of tax relief aspects in accordance with StromStG and EnergieStG
  • Planning/project planning, especially in the areas of electrical engineering, photovoltaics, heating construction, storage modules and wallboxes
  • Design, approval and implementation planning
  • Implementation and construction supervision / engineering inspections during the construction phase
  • Energy quality assurance for new and existing buildings (IFB Hamburg and KfW)
  • Preparation of energy certificates in accordance with GEG / Hamburg Energy Passport

We determine which refurbishment measures make sense for you and how you can have them implemented as cost-effectively as possible.

Our advice is always non-binding and manufacturer-independent.
Please feel free to contact us.