Energy Consulting
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We turn your property ready for
renewable energies and your low-CO2 energy supply.

Experience the construction site through the eyes and ears of your customers and employees.

Keep your head clear despite vacant QM positions, normative requirements and audits.


HYPERCON is an independent, owner operated engineering and consultancy office based in Hamburg and Remscheid.

We see it as our mission to provide our customers with comprehensive advice and support for low-CO2 electricity and heat generation.

In addition, we have understood that we will be short of around 400,000* employees in industry and craftsmanship by 2030 in order to successfully drive decarbonization forward.
Therefore, we need support from skilled employees including labour migration and technology to make compensate the labour shortfall.

We are also convinced that the use of smart technologies helps to master the “heat transition” despite a tight labor market. At this point, we see a focus on the use of augmented reality (AR) and remote maintenance (remote assist) technologies.

*according to the research study of IAB in October 2022



Here, you can reach us.

HYPERCON – Energy Consulting
Consulting for Renewable Energy and Video Remote Support Solutions
Quality, Process and Interim Management
Neuer Kamp 30
20357 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (40) 23 55 75 40
E-Mail: info@the-hypercon.net

Tax-Nr.: 42/182/06056
USt-IdNr.: DE359107449
